The heavy easter eggs are coming, don’t miss it, come on

Corgi Token
1 min readMay 8, 2021

Enter the pancake dex from Tokenpocket wallet

Corgi token officially opened the airdrop easter egg! Add LP to enjoy the Corgi coin airdrop, add LP at a speed, tentatively airdrop 3000W ltoken per day. First come first served

Airdrop tutorial: USDT-ltoken dual-currency mining, just take the lp of pancake and mortgage it for mining.

Please pay attention to the airdrop rules, the more you look carefully, the more Corgi you will get

PancakeSwap LP tokens are worth 100USDT~200USDT, and airdrops account for 2% of the total

PancakeSwap LP tokens are worth 200USDT~300USDT, and airdrops account for 4% of the total

PancakeSwap LP tokens are worth 300USDT~400USDT, and airdrops account for 8% of the total

PancakeSwap LP tokens are worth 500USDT~1000USDT, and airdrops account for 12% of the total

PancakeSwap LP tokens are worth 1000USDT~2000USDT, and airdrops account for 24% of the total

PancakeSwap LP tokens are worth 2000USDT~8000USDT, and airdrops account for 50% of the total

Thank you all bye。ALL HAIL THE ITOKEN!



Corgi Token

Decentralized Meme Tokens that grew into a vibrant ecosystem ,corgi token Fun tokens. Artist incubator.Growing 88k+ Community& more on the horizon!